Kenya: EU calls for restraint

Brussels 26.06.2024 The European Union has followed with concern the outbreak of violence that erupted during the protests in Kenya yesterday, which resulted in the loss of lives, numerous injuries and significant damage to public and private property.

Defence and security forces should exercise restraint and protests should remain peaceful. Fundamental rights and freedoms, including the rights to freedom of demonstration, association, peaceful assembly and expression, must be respected.

The European Union calls on all parties to keep on de-escalating the situation and trusts the robustness of Kenyan democracy and institutions to achieve those objectives. The recent decision of President Ruto to withdraw the Finance Bill contributes to the reduction of the tensions and should help create an environment that is conducive to dialogue.

Today Kenyan President William Ruto on withdrew planned tax hikes, bowing to pressure from protesters who had stormed parliament, launched demonstrations across the country and threatened more action this week.

The move will be seen as a major victory for a youth-led protest movement that grew from online condemnations of tax rises into mass rallies demanding a political overhaul, in the most serious crisis of President’s Ruto’s mandate in two years.

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